These are set and enforced by the moderators.
This is a safe and welcoming community. Abusive or antisocial behaviour will not be tolerated.
In particular, no hate speech or bigotry, including dogwhistles (implicit but deliberate discrimination through coded language).
No posting others' personal information or private exchanges without permission.
Do not continue to engage a person, or incite others to do so, after they have requested otherwise.
No content that is illegal in the United Kingdom, Germany, or France. This includes "grey area" content such as sexualized, artistic depictions of minors.
Sexual or sexually suggestive content must be tagged as such, with a clear content warning. Avatars and profile banners must be clean.
Same goes for artistic depictions of graphic violence or gore. Real pictures and recordings of gore and violence are generally not acceptable, you better have a really good reason. Shock value is not a good reason.
Bots are OK as long as they don't post to the public TL more than twice a day and don't interact with folks out of the blue. That means no followbots.
When in doubt about something you'd like to post, ask a mod. When in doubt about something you saw posted, report liberally.
We may take administrative action for reasons not listed here.