strategy gaming night at Blackbird! we'll bring root again, everybody loves root ♥︎ we'll also have photosynthesis, quantum, and other fun strategy games
bring your curiosity and your most ruthless playstyle ♥︎ we love to learn strategy together
Strategy Gaming Night
every other monday
Blackbird Infoshop
upcoming dates: 3/17, 3/31, 4/14, 4/28, 5/12, 5/26
WE keep us safe – masks required (kn95 or n95) and provided
play hard, stay silly
xoxo Kitty Cat~
Friday rush for happy hour? Looks more like Clash of the Goblins! Dicing of the Orcs?
Wishing you a great weekend of adventuring!
#gamenight #blahaj #smolhaj #cardsagainsthumanity
Smol Loki got unexpected talent!
"It may be the first time somebody has force-fed a shrinking potion to a sleeping dragon. Using a medicine check." (Hey -- it's veterinary medicine!) #dnd #gamenight
#GameNight #AlienRPG We're exploring an Engineer base and found a room containing lots of eggs, a couple of drones, and a queen. We're now trying to keep the door closed to keep them in the room.
We got the computer up and working, comms reestablished.
We are the only lifeforms on board out of the thousand people on a Galaxy-class ship.
Headed to the nearest replimat to see whether the replicators are working.
One unit it working. Sort of.
It does produce uniforms, but only in gray. No colors. Better than pirate garb or nothing . . .
Turbolifts aren't working, comms are down, so . . .
And of course each of us has a duty station in a totally different part of the ship. Because of course.
But first, find the nearest security station to see WTF is happening.
So we were messing around on the holodeck and when we came out, the ship was on red alert.
Someone must've turned off all notifications, because we didn't hear anything . . . and the klaxons aren't sounding, either.
Today I'm DMing the adventure Nightmare Over Ragged Hollow by the Merry #Mushmen.
(I love the design of their adventure books). I'm really looking forward to it.
Hopefully my players will have fun. Keep your fingers crossed for me.
#OSR #DnD #gamenight #Roleplay
Looking for a space to turn off anxiety brain and connect with others over a fun, supportive, and COVID safe(r) activity? Firestorm's game night is back this week, after a month long hiatus!
Our co-op hosts casual tabletop gameplay twice a month with a focus on short games that are newbie friendly. Make friends and have fun without spending a dime! You can bring a game to share, or play one of dozens provided by our facilitator, Kit. See you there!
#GameNight #TabletopGames #CooperativeGames #FeministBookstore #FirestormCoop (- L)
Happy Sunday, adventurers! I hope you had a great gaming weekend!
Friday Deep Dive!
If you could bring any non-fantasy genre or setting into a #TTRPG session, what would it be? Sci-fi, historical drama, surreal mystery—no limits here!
Let’s inspire some unexpected worlds together!
It's Friday night and my plans just got cancelled, aka it's #gamenight.
What are we all playing at the moment, #fediverse? I'm thinking of buying Europa:
Where are your gaming adventures taking you this weekend? If you happen to visit Guildenhof, be sure to get the town map - soon to be enhanced with a unique gamebook style guide!
Wishing all Canadian tabletop players, creators and publishers a great Thanksgiving weekend! Enjoy the company you have and be thankful for such a unique hobby that gets people around the table for unique and unforgettable adventures!