Maybe it's to late for #AppreciateADragonDay but here's a teal-blue #dragon for anyone who celebrate
Maybe it's to late for #AppreciateADragonDay but here's a teal-blue #dragon for anyone who celebrate
[collab] derg appreciation day '25!
happy gogon day! this pic is done with help and chars from @/
> blond dragon guardian toni and emperor daiki planning; tial and masahiko swapped weapons and outfits ohno!
I appreciate each and every one of my dragon friends Y'all are awesome! #AppreciateADragonDay
I've been informed by those I trust very much that I'm actually a very good dragon, and that I deserve more than one #appreciateadragonday ... Therefore, I will continue to accept appreciation for the next 24 hours.
I appreciate dragons.
Even if #AppreciateADragonDay was yesterday, you still have 364 days to send us your late appreciations.
'At the Dragon King's Palace'- Utagawa Kuniyoshi (detail). #AppreciateADragonDay #JapaneseArt #ukiyoe
I'm running a bit late, but yo celebrate #AppreciateADragonDay here is a Japanese ukiyo-e print by Utagawa Sadahide, originally made in the Edo era, then this re-carved edition is from the late 20th Century. #JapaneseArt #ukiyoe
Some other dragons I'm appreciating today include (in no particular order and are not limited to):
Also thinking of my favorite dragon, Bard Bloom, who passed away two years ago. I love their Mating Flight books (also about dragons).
It is once again #appreciateadragonday so shout outs to all the dragons of fedi! You are appreciated even if I don’t talk much, I love reading all your dragon posts.
For #AppreciateADragonDay here are two neat Japanese kawari-kabuto helmets surmounted by giant #dragonflies ! Admired as agile and efficient hunters, dragonflies were dubbed "kachimushi" ("victory insect") and became a favorite samurai emblem.
[Japan was also known as Akitsushima, "Dragonfly Island(s)," named for the shape of the island chain]
1. 17th c., Minneapolis Institute of Art:
2. 18th c., Metropolitan Museum of Art:
I’m incapacitated by a dragon, but how could I possibly complain?
#AppreciateADragonDay :
Dragon-Fish 鯱
Japan, 18th c.
Wood netsuke, 3 11/16 x 1 9/16 x 1 1/4 in. (9.4 x 4.0 x 3.2 cm)
LACMA M.91.250.26
It saddens me that so many people around the world don't appreciate dragons, that dragons are villainized in stories, in literature, in art.
It makes me happy that so many people around here do appreciate dragons! #AppreciateADragonDay
Today is #AppreciateADragonDay ! Take some time to show your local dragon some appreciation in any form that comes to mind. Offer them a snack, a scritch, or a snuggle. Complement them or let them know you appreciate having them around. Lay out a comfy blanket for them to lay against. Or simply sit for a minute and imagine all the ways your world is better because of them.
I’ve heard that today #AppreciateADragonDay! So let’s take a moment to appreciate one handsome dragon indeed!