Zellij 0.42.0 released: stacked resize, pinned floating panes and new Rust plugin APIs
Discussions: https://discu.eu/q/https://zellij.dev/news/stacked-resize-pinned-panes/

Zellij 0.42.0 released: stacked resize, pinned floating panes and new Rust plugin APIs
Discussions: https://discu.eu/q/https://zellij.dev/news/stacked-resize-pinned-panes/
Rust recap for week 11/2025
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I have joined the rust cult, made a git like command task tracker because yes
Discussions: https://discu.eu/q/https://github.com/Miisan-png/rtask
Over the weekend I've added multiplayer to my #bevyengine game using Bevy Replicon.
The two clients in the video operate in the same world which is managed by an authoritative server, and is replicated to clients.
** Speaker announcement **
Catch this talk at RustWeek 2025!
Speaker: Waffle
Title: Re-inventing trait objects
Info & tickets: https://rustweek.org/talks/waffle/
See you in Utrecht 13-17 May, 2025!
New ride, new vibe!
reworked car model
added gamepad support
better lighting
better physics
<- duck emoji
If you use #rustlang, what do you mainly use to review/vet your dependencies?
Has Alacritty become significantly faster? A newer typometer benchmark of a few terminal emulators.
Discussions: https://discu.eu/q/https://lwn.net/Articles/751763/
Git 2.49 Released With Faster Packing, Rust Foreign Language Interface
Discussions: https://discu.eu/q/https://www.phoronix.com/news/Git-2.49-Released
The MIT license is the default in Rust… but it’s just a coincidence that suits the Rust Foundation’s corporate owners.
You need to have a GitHub account to publish to crates.io… but it’s just a coincidence that suits the Rust Foundation’s corporate owners.
Uutils… it’s amazing these coincidences keep happening.
The Mozilla Foundation & the Google money is Rust’s “Don’t Build the Torment Nexus”.
ual update:
I added two new intros to the "Primers" collection, one is a general intro, the other a specific one for Rust developers.
ual primer collection
ual updates
This is the ual way:
ual 1.3 spec
Error Stack Mechanism
Typed Stacks
Ownership Mechanism
Defer Stack Mechanism
Stack Perspectives
Concurrency Model
Stack Slicing and Segment Borrowing
The drama over the #RustLang #uutils project using the MIT license instead of GPL is absurd. Some are making the assumption that GNU coreutils was the original implementation of coreutils—it isn't—and therefore uutils should have been GPL. Or that uutils is the first non-GPL coreutils implementation—it isn't—and will be the target of EEE (hyperbolic fiction). Software licenses cannot be retroactively revoked, nor can the original or any other repository fork be retroactively closed.
`async-std` has been discontinued, https://crates.io/crates/async-std.
The authors suggest to use `smol` instead, which is a great advice! https://crates.io/crates/smol
Would anybody be interested in multiple articles that would explain how to build a search engine in Rust?
I really wish #uutils was under a copyleft license. It’s cool but using it just makes it easier for mega corps to lock down things even more. Yah #rust / #rustlang is faster and more secure, but #GPL is better for society.
If we were using uutils in 2005 we wouldn’t have the free routers that we have now. I don’t want to think what could be lost if we just drop all things #GPL for mit license stuff. It’s just helping megacorps at societies expense.
PSA: async-std has been officially discontinued; use smol instead
Discussions: https://discu.eu/q/https://crates.io/crates/async-std
Ubuntu to Explore Rust-Based “uutils” as Potential GNU Core Utilities Replacement https://www.cyberciti.biz/linux-news/ubuntu-to-explore-rust-based-uutils-as-potential-gnu-core-utilities-replacement/
Running so smooth, I might as well be on roller skates!
added gamepad support for the gameplay
left stick: running
right stick: tool selection
'south' button: tool action
'west' button: object targeting