Anybody know anything about spectral analysis of flacs? I found a rip of a CD and even though its has a 100% log file, some spectrals make it look like it could be a lossy master.
I plan to upload this to a private tracker but dont want to get banned lol.
Here's the spectrals:
These are the tracks I'm concerned about:
02: There looks to be some blocking across the track, maybe thats just the music though? Looks weird to me
10: I think thats just because its electronic "beep boop" sounding music lol, not sure how else to explain it.
16: I see some blocking in a few places in the track
20: maybe a tiny bit of blocking, but also a weird "ghosting" above 20k?
I provided zooms for 2, 16, and 20, each of 2 seconds long, not sure if thats too short. I didn't provide it for the other ones since the others look fine, I can provide them though.