Prof. Sarah Bond gave a great talk to a packed house at #ISAWNYU tonight about her new book:
Bond, Sarah E. Strike: Labor, Unions, and Resistance in the Roman Empire. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2025.

Prof. Sarah Bond gave a great talk to a packed house at #ISAWNYU tonight about her new book:
Bond, Sarah E. Strike: Labor, Unions, and Resistance in the Roman Empire. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2025.
Pet cats arrived in China via the Silk Road 1,400 years ago, ancient DNA study finds
The recently put up and very bright columns and entablature of the #ancient basilica Ulpia built by the #roman emperor Trajan. #rome #archaeology #anastylosis #ancienthistory #romanhistory #ancientrome
Massive Network of Ancient Canals Mapped in Mesopotamia
Say, remember what happened to the #RomanEmpire when they stopped taking care of their #soldiers? [Read below]
Trump administration plans to cut 80,000 employees from VA
Veterans are speaking out on the Trump administration’s plans to cut the VA’s budget
"Some historians trace the beginning of the fall of the Western Roman Empire to the Senate’s decision to reduce the soldiers’ pension. With less incentive to join the army, the Roman citizens turned to different careers. The Senate then filled the ranks of the army with Barbarians, diminishing the cohesion and discipline. These decisions are major contributing factors that lead to the fall of Rome. A cautionary tale to not mess with a veteran’s pension and post service benefits."
#USPol #FallOfTheEmpire #USEmpire #Veterans #VeteransBenefits #History #AncientHistory #Histodon #BadDOGE #DOGE #HistoryRepeats
Archaeologists have uncovered 22,000-year-old evidence of transport technology in the ancient Americas, challenging previous beliefs about early human innovation. This finding reshapes our understanding of prehistoric societies and their capabilities.
#GoodNews #Archaeology #AncientHistory #Innovation
Between Two Worlds: Gender Non-Conforming Deities
March 27, 2019 by Brianne Raven Wolf
"As a transwoman, I have often wondered if there were others like me in Ancient Mythology. Were there ancient deities who were trans, non-binary, or gender non-conforming? Turns out there were. Ancient Greece had a prominent culture of gender fluidity, as did many other ancient societies.
"#Aphroditus was sometimes referred to as the male form of Aphrodite. Statues of him showed him with a female figure, breasts, narrow waist, long hair, women’s clothing, but also with a penis and testes. He is said to have originated on the island of Cyprus, and arrived in Athens in the 4th century BCE. He was sometimes celebrated there in #transvestite rites. It is said the festivals allowed 'women to act the part of men, and men to put on woman’s clothing and play the part of women' (from Wikipedia). He was definitely gender #NonConforming.
"Hermaphroditus was the son of Hermes, messenger of the gods, and Aphrodite, Goddess of love. His name is a combination of both of his parents. From Wikipedia: 'According to Ovid, he was born a remarkably handsome boy with whom the water nymph Salmacis fell in love with and prayed to be united forever. The gods granted the request, so that he and the nymph became united in such a manner that the two could not be called a man or a woman, but were both' (Metamorphoses IV, pp. 274-388 , 8 AD). Hermaphroditus is the god of hermaphrodites and effeminates. I believe in today’s society, Hermaphroditus would be a modern day pre-operative transwoman.
"#Loki, a Norse god, also called the trickster god, would many times disguise himself as a woman. Some myths said that Loki was bisexual. Loki was an accomplished shape-shifter and according to legend has also appeared as a salmon, a mare, a fly, and of course a woman.
"Ovid’s Metamorphoses (Met. 9, pp. 666-797) mentions #Iphis and #Ianthe. Iphis was born a girl, but her mother passed her off as a boy so that she wouldn’t be killed. The name was fitting for a boy and a girl, so that wasn’t too much of a problem. According to the myth, Iphis as a 15 year old boy, fell in love with another girl, Ianthe. Iphis’s mother appealed to the Goddess Isis for help. Isis transformed Iphis into a male before Iphis and Ianthe got married. I believe this may have been the first sex change. At least they ended up happily ever after according to the myth.
"#Ikapati was a #GreatMother Goddess of the Tagalog society in the #Philippines. She was a protector of crops, animals that were domesticated and, according to myth, gave mankind agriculture. It was said that she appeared many times dressed in male clothes. This would have made sense as she was frequently seen in the fields. In many indigenous cultures, including in the Americas, it was accepted that more than two genders were socially and spiritually accepted. These gender non-conforming individuals were seen as people who were very spiritual, and many became leaders and healers in their societies. In Native American culture, many who were called #TwoSpirit became shamans.
"#Ometeotl was an Aztec God of duality. He was considered both male and female, using the names Ometecuhtli and Omecihuatl. He had an equivalent god in Mayan mythology, #Itzamna, who identified with #HunabKu, an invisible god. Both gods could be considered self-created gods according to myth. Ometeotl was to the Aztecs the idea that their Universe consisted of dark and light, night and day, order and war, and things like that.
"I’m of the opinion that if more people would understand that there are more than binary people in this world, it would be a better and safer place for all. I think the ancients got it right in their beliefs. People were just human beings, and not judged only on their biological sex. A good book to consider reading is this excellent book by Gerald N. Callahan, PhD., Between XX and XY: Intersexuality and the Myth of Two Sexes. From the book: 'On October 10, 1970, the day she was born, she was named Dorothy Maree Alaniz–a baby girl. Curiously, though, no one filled out a birth certificate that day. When the certificate was finally filed on November 5, the name on it was Rudolph Andrew Alaniz. Within less than one month after her birth, this girl became a boy.' The book is available from Amazon and other book sources."
#WorldHistory #Histodon #WeExist #Fascism #GenderFascists #GenderFluid #TwoSpirit #NonBinary #TransRightsAreHumanRights #TransPeople #AncientHistory #TransAndNonBinaryRightsAreHumanRights
#ThutmoseII is perhaps best known for the events set into motion by his death around age 30. #Hatshepsut, his wife & half-sister, ruled after him — first as regent & then as one of the few female #pharaohs, her reign marked by prolific construction as well as artistic, architectural & economic advancement.
Inscriptions indicate that the tomb was the burial place of King Thutmose II, who is believed to have ruled for about half a decade some 3,500 years ago, per a stmnt from #Egypt’s Ministry of Tourism & Antiquities. Preliminary findings suggest his mummy, which had already been discovered, was moved along w/some of the tomb’s contents when it flooded shortly after his death.
#ThutmoseII #archeology #AncientHistory #AncientEgypt #history
Ancient #pharaoh’s tomb unearthed in #Egypt, first since Tutankhamun’s in 1922
The tomb of #ThutmoseII, who ruled about 3,500 years ago, was discovered by an Egyptian-British team near the Valley of the Kings.
#archeology #AncientHistory #AncientEgypt #history
Rare Medieval Scroll Discovered -
Our brand-new Artsy challenge is now live! Can you guess the artist behind each of these painting masterpieces?
#quiz #trivia #curiosity #facts #fact #history #ancienthistory #historyporn #painting #paint #painter #art #arts #cultural #artistic
A Minute-By-Minute Account Of The Pompeii Eruption, Revealed In Agonizing Detail
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#GIS #spatial #mapping #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #timeline #reconstruction #model #modeling #Italy #Naples #Roman #79CE #eruption #volcanic #volcano #geology #engineeringgeology #Campanian #Pompeii #Herculaneum #ancienthistory #eyewitness #history #risk #hazard #naturalhazard #naturaldisaster #publicsafety #Vesuvius #debris #pyroclastic #gas #nueeardente #deposition #Pliny #PlinyTheYounger #geologicmapping #fieldwork #romanempire #impact #cost #economics #infrastructure #lossoflife #deaths
#Tea #TheStoryOfTea #AncientHistory
#SlowingDown #5000Years
Steeped in History: The Story of Tea‘s Journey from Ancient China to Global Staple - History Tools
A hoard of British coins bearing the inscription of King Cunobelin and found in a Dutch field have been identified as very likely to be the spoils of war of a Roman soldier from the conquest of Britain.
@histodons @archaeodons @historikerinnen @antiquidons @econhist #geschichte #histodons #history #histoire #archaeology #heritage #Archaeologie #archaeodons #antiquity #AncientHistory #antike #numismatics @numismatics
For any #Egyptology #archaeology #ancienthistory people out there. (Also, tell me if you’ve got a fading story in your family history?) Pics from a recent trip to see the ancient Egyptian exhibition at the Queensland Museum in #Brisbane #Australia #Egypt #history
"The first Buddhist art is strikingly different from the pure and philosophically abstracted Buddhism admired around the world today, with its familiar image of the Buddha lost in meditation. Instead, early Buddhist art is aniconic, yet every bit as vibrant, crowded and cacophonous as so much later Buddhist art is still, silent and quietly meditative.
One reason for this is that the art of the first Buddhist monasteries is shot through with the cosmology of ancient animist cults that existed before the arrival of the new teachings. The first Buddhist monks believed that they lived in a spiritually charged landscape, alive with powerful local godlings and spirits - called yakshas when male and yakshis when female - who took up residence in the trees and stones and streams around monasteries.These spirits personified the forces of nature and revealed themselves at will.…
In all this early art, you feel strongly the Buddhist intuition that the natural and animal worlds are closely related to humankind through great cycles of reincarnation: a neglected Elephant Queen in the earliest murals of the Ajanta Caves may be reborn as the Queen of Varanasi, yet she remains the same essence. Animals are therefore depicted with the same love and respect as humans. After all, in a world where trees could be spirits and the waters are alive with sentient beings, ethical living requires treading softly on this earth, guarding the purity of water and preserving the life of both trees and animals."
— William Dalrymple: The Golden Road, pp. 46-47
This is really fascinating. One thing that struck me from my studies of #Buddhism is just how rich the cosmology is. It makes sense that a faith rooted in reincarnation would have a different relationship with the natural world.
#India #Books #Bookstodon #ReadingNow #AncientHistory #VisualArt #Art #Religion
The account I just boosted, Athena Productions, has done lots of amusing gonzo-like brief videos about history. They hadn't posted in three years before today, but it looks like they're back so you might want to give them a follow:
(NOTE: There may be swearing!)
They've already posted over 80 videos so far. If these haven't federated to your server, you can browse them all at: