Yesterday I asked for some ideas for casual expressions as an alternative to girlfriend/boyfriend.
In the image (alt text included) are some of the English terms people like to use to refer to a person they’re romantically with/dating without specifying the gender.
I like the idea of “my person”. If I was still in the very early stages of dating I might just say “the person I’m dating”.
There’s so many ways to speak about someone without specifying the gender if using their name isn’t an option.
Many queer people are used to being cautious about coming out to people so many of us are practiced at not specifying gender when speaking of people we’re attracted to and/or in a relationship with, but many cis-hetero people are not. Safety isn’t as much of an issue for them.
In Canada and US the terms “co-parent”, “partner” or “spouse” are being used more often by everyone of any gender or sexuality but sometimes those terms just don’t fit the situation.
These are just some options to fill that gap.
#InternationalNonBinaryDay #NonBinaryPeoplesDay